We currently have 6 rams available for sale. Born February 2022.

Twins. All from our last purchase of New Zealand bloodlines.

February 2023 with coats on and June

after shearing. They were on pasture for summer and fall of 2023.

Established in 1979


Thistlestone Farm began in 1979 as breeders of sheep. It was started by the Lamont family with Keith and Mary moving to the farm to realize a dream to work outside and be closer to nature.

Mary commuted to her job in the city for a few years where she was office manager at an engineering firm. Keith established a studio to practice Graphic Design freelance.

Within a few years a 400 ewe accelerated flock was in production featuring Dorset maternal lines and Suffolk terminal sires. F1’s were also produced during this time featuring Rambouilett and Romanovs. This changed into the 1990s with concentrating on the production of purebreed Dorset ewes in quantity for sale to other breeders along with performance tested rams.

We are winding down here after 45 years of sheep production. The remaining brood ewes have been sold. There will be some yearlings here to start a new young flock. This has been an amazing journey of learning, meeting people, clients who stuck with us for decades….and travel. A.I., Embryo transfers, international sales and teaching. Thank you to all who touched our lives.